“The faithful who gather together to await the Lord’s coming are instructed by the Apostle Paul to sing together psalms, hymns and inspired songs” – Colossians 3:16
Liturgical song is the sign of the heart’s joy, thus Saint Augustine says rightly “To sing belongs to lovers.” Music is at the heart of each and every celebration of the mass, the scriptures call us to it. New members are always welcomed to participate and aspect of the parish’s diverse music ministry.
Chancel Choir
The Choir includes vocalists from high school age and up, and enhances our parish’s at Sunday 10:00 am Mass weekly, on Christmas and Easter, and other special occasions. This Choir rehearses once a week, and focuses on traditional 4-part music with special emphasis on correct vocal production and technique.
Folk Choir
The Folk choir welcomes vocalists and instrumentalists, sixth-grade through adults, to minister at the 10:00 am or 12:00 pm Sunday Masses on a rotating basis (twice monthly). The Folk Choir is accompanied by guitar, mandolin, piano, flute and violin. Rehearsals are held on Tuesday evenings from 7:30 pm -9:00 pm in the choir area in church.
Cantor Team
These song leaders assist year-round at all Masses on Sundays and Holy Days on a rotating basis. You'll have an opportunity to cantor at 3 different locations. Please contact the Music Director to arrange a time to meet.
Funeral Choir
The funeral choir is based out of Holy Redeemer are men and women that volunteer their time to sing for funeral masses of deceased members of our parish. While this is a liturgical ministry of our church, people in our Funeral Choir are also a precious gift to the family of the deceased. Funeral masses can take place any day from Monday through Saturday. If you are interested, please contact our Music Director.