Glorious St. Anne, filled with compassion for those who invoke thee, and with love for those who suffer, heavily laden with the weight of my troubles, I cast myself at thy feet and humbly beg of thee to take the present affair which I recommend to thee under thy special protection. Vouchsafe to recommend it to thy Daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary, and lay it before the throne of Jesus, so that He may bring it to a happy issue. Cease not to intercede for me until my request is granted. Above all, obtain for me the grace of one day beholding my God face to face, and with thee and Mary and all the Saints, praising and blessing Him to all eternity.
St. Anne- Pray for Us
The St. Anne Guild has been an active Women's organization at St. Gregory for over 90 years. First established in 1923, under the guidance of Fr. J. M. Wertz, meetings were held in the homes of parish women. Over the years, these women have passed the tradition of St. Anne Guild to their daughters, daughters-in-law, and even granddaughters. We are a Sisterhood in Christ devoted to doing His work within our Parish and communities. We are women of all ages and backgrounds. We are Mothers, Grandmothers, Daughters, Sisters, Friends, and Servants of the Lord. Many St. Anne Guild members are active in other Church ministries as Cantors, Ushers, Lectors, Choir members, and Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist. We assist with Meals on Wheels, the Saint Vincent De Paul Society, and supporting School tuition aid for St. Gregory students. We make donations to the annual March for Life Trip, pray at 40 Days for Life Vigils, and are members of Prayer groups. We do our best to live out our Faith day by day.
With the example of Saint Anne, the Mother of our Lady, ever present in our hearts and guiding our actions, The Saint Anne Guild strives to serve the Church and one another for the glory of God. We are active in many events within our Parish and raise funds to purchase needed items for both our Church and School. We sponsor a yearly Rummage Sale, an annual Mother Daughter Banquet, Bake Sales, and other fundraisers. We go on trips, have picnics, and enjoy each others company!
Meetings are held once a month on the First Tuesday of every month. We meet in the Blue Room of St. Gregory at 7:00pm. The first half of each meeting features a different topic or highlights a local business. Come check out who we have at the meeting this month!
Our Group is open to all women of our Parishes! Join us at our next meeting!